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/tg/station 13 Admin Guidelines and 


Last updated 11/18/14 


Table of Contents 

I. Conduct 
II. Tools 
III. Investigation and Banning 
IV. Tips/Events (To be done later™) 

Page 1 



Welcome! This guide is meant for both perspective trialmins as well as regular existing admins if need 
to be used for reference. You were likely given this guide by the person overseeing your adminship. It 
may seem like a lot to take in with over 20 pages of information, but a lot of this will come rather 
easily as you use it more and more. Important thing to learn and understand is the conduct section, 
and the rest is mostly just for your reference. Always remember that adminbus is ready to help you out 
if need be, and other admins will happily answer your questions and guide you to the best of their 

I. Conduct 

• Be in IRC if you're going to admin on the servers. 

• Scaredy can be PM'd about anything and it will remain anonymous (should you wish). 

• Don't lie. We expect players not to, you shouldn't either. The only exception is if 
needed to catch serious offenses. 

• Please ensure that all adminhelps are answered timely. Ban requests should be 
reserved for times when no admins are available, and for when you cannot respond 
to an adminhelp due to involvement. 

• Please maintain a professional conduct both in game and outside of the game. It is 
expected that you take the position seriously. This doesn't mean you can't talk 
casually to the playerbase, but remain professional on the forums, as well as on other 
Space Station 13 communities. While being banned on another server while you are 
an admin, doesn't necessarily mean punitive action here, it is expected that you don't 
go out of your way to grief/raid other servers either. 

• Privacy is expected by the players. Do not publicize connection logs, as well as IP(s), 
ckeys, and computer IDs (cids) anywhere in game or outside. 

• Be polite, but casual, in adminhelps. You don't want to be unapproachable, you don't want 
to be an asshole. You're there to make sure things run smoothly and as many people as 
possible have fun. If you expect the players to treat you with respect, treat them with 
respect as well. 

• Check notes of players being adminhelped for warnings and past aggressions. 

o Be sure to check the notes on both servers, as they're not shared. 

• If you warn someone, use the notes function and actually type out "warned for x" so 
everyone else knows when you warned them and what for, in case of future aggressions. 

Page 2 


• If you're a Trial Admin and a Game Admin tells you to do something, it's a good idea to 
listen. The same can be said for Game Admins where a Game Master / Headmin is 
concerned. If you have a problem with what they're saying, raise it in bus. 

• If another admin is on, make sure you don't step on each others' toes and both answer the 
same adminhelp, it can be confusing to the player, especially should what you say 
contradict. If you are unsure about something, it's better to ask in adminbus rather than 
relay wrong information to someone. 

• Please be careful if you choose to 'test' something you have little idea about. If someone 
asks something like "How much damage does a stunbaton do", that can be checked easily, 
but more outlandish questions, like pertaining to var editing, should be investigated on your 
own local server and not the thunderdome, as you risk crashing the server. 

• If one player is acting like an asshole/spamming 00C feel free to mute them from 00C 
instead of just turning off 00C for everyone. 

• Sometimes it is necessary to turn off 00C if you think there's too much arguing going on and 
it can detract from the current round. 

• You do not need to be anal about minor IC in 00C violations being performed by new 
players, things like references to the fact they've been disposaled 4 times this round. A 
warning will usually suffice. 

• Bans are either to teach a lesson, punish malicious behavior, or remove shitty players from 
the community. Banning for mistakes doesn't really serve any of these purposes (an honest 
mistake can be explained and in the future avoided without having the players experience 
ruined with a ban). Of course a jobban might be warranted if a mistake is repeated multiple 

• Always try to consider what you'd have done in the players place. They don't have the 
luxury of piecing it together from attack logs, infinite time to make a decision, knowing 
every antag, etc. They'll act on incomplete information, they'll act on emotion. Don't judge 
them vs. perfect actions, but based on reasonable ones in their place. 

• Don't ban when you don't have to. Let people off with a warning if applicable. 

• Don't get around the config disabling the possessing of singulos / narsie. 

• Don't handle adminhelps against your own person. A simple "valid" for someone 
adminhelping about you, an antag, killing them, is fine, but don't debate your side of 
something with someone over admin PM's, have them make a ban request if they feel it's a 
major enough issue, or have another admin online at the time handle it. 

• Don't use adminhelps as your own personal messenger, use IRC or something similar if it's 
that important, or 00C itself. 

Page 3 


Don't make yourself an antagonist. If you're participating in an event and want your 
objectives to show up at the round end, it's generally okay then, but don't give yourself 
changeling during a traitor round just because you can. 

Don't give yourself benefits using admin powers. This obviously includes revivals. 

Don't perform actions just to intentionally piss off players, e.g. spamming buttons or editing 

Don't be a hypocrite. If you're doing something you'd normally ban someone for doing, 
you're breaking this. 

Upon banning someone, you are placed in charge of ensuring they understand why it is they 
were banned and are in charge of responding to any ban appeals they should make. 
Ignoring a ban appeal may lead to the person being unbanned by a headmin. At least have 
the courtesy to tell them "denied", and WHY. 

Do not touch another admin's ban without prior permission / talking to them. Exception to 
this being if you have headmin permission / you are above them in rank and have a tangible 

reason (which you will provide to them) 

Chain of Admin Command 

I. The host, has ultimate authoritative, and veto power over 
any bans, policy, as well as decisions. 

II. Headmins have power over creating, endorsing, and 
removing policy, overruling bans made by game admins and 
game masters. 

III. Game masters are not allowed to overrule game admin 
bans, however they are senior ranking admins, and game admins 
are expected to consider their thoughts as well as suggestions. 

IV. Trial admins under all circumstances are expected to follow 
the directions of other full admins, and can have their bans 
overturned by them. 

o Game admins removing/changing trialmin bans are 
expected to follow up with trialmins as to why they 
preformed said action. 

V. Unless it is an emergency (admin running around 
intentionally crashing the server, dragging a singularity around), 
do not ban people on the admin list. Contact a headmin or 

Page 4 


scaredofshadows if you think an admin did something bannable/shitty. 

Playing while adminning 

• Deadmin self when you play anything resembling an important role (AI, heads/sec, 
antagonist). It'll be better for both you and the players. Your round won't be made less fun 
by meta info (and players won't suspect you of using admin powers to cheat), you won't 
have to take a break from the action to answer adminhelps (and players won't have their 
helps ignored because you're busy playing). If you want to play just hit the button. 

• If you end up something like nuclear operative or wizard, you can either follow the above or 
just find a moment to respond to people when you have a chance. If deadminning, try and 
get another admin on with you so that the server isn't adminless. 

• Do not use your admin verbs to gain yourself an IC advantage 

• If you decide to play, don't check antagonists prior or during your round, as that is 
significant meta information. 

Sounds (aka midis) 

• Don't play a sound file over 300kb, as it's likely (as in definitely) going to cause large 
amounts of lag. 250kb and below is generally the safe range for sounds. 

o .mid and .mod are the best formats to use as they're the smallest. 

o Avoid .ogg, and larger files. Do not stack songs, or split long songs into smaller parts 
in order to play them. This creates a lot of slowdowns to the players especially in 
foreign countries, and those with bad internet connection. 

• Ask if a sound is playing before playing a sound. 

• With the new update, sounds queue properly, however you should still avoid queueing 
sounds after sounds due to the issue of bandwidth. 

II. Tools, buttons, and functions. 

Various Tools exist to help you administrate the server. It is a good idea to get familiar with the 
tools, and to help you administrate the server. If this list is outdated, please contact a headmin. Note 
that a lot of these functions can be used in more efficient ways, ie instead of scrolling through a list 
to find a person to adminhelp, you can right click, bring up their player panel and adminhelp them 
from there. All of these commands can be typed into the bottom bar as you would if writing for 


Page 5 


Communication done by admins in game is done via asay, which works just like say or OOC does, 
but it is an ooc channel only seen by admins. Obviously you are not restricted to writing in round 
information in this chat. There also exists a few admin specific shortcuts. 

F5 Aghost 

F6 Player 

F7 Admin 






Lastly .getserverlogs command fetches you server logs from the database. 

1) Buttons 

/ know there is a lot, but most of these you really don 't need to know or use majority of the time. This is 
just here for reference sake. I might edit these to only have useful functions later etc. I should have also 
probably alphabetized this. ;_; 

Admin Tab 

Admin PM 

Adminverbs • Hide Most 
Call Shuttle 
Create Antagonist 
Game Panel 
Jump to Mob 
Player Panel New 
Show Player Panel 
Unban Panel 



Cancel Shuttle 

De-admin self 

Get Key 

Jump to Area 

Jump to Turf 

Reload Admins 

Show Server Attack Log 

Unjobban Panel 


Check Al Laws 
Get Mob 

Jump to Coordinate 
Manage Job Slots 
Reset Telecomms S 
Show Server Log 

Adminverbs - Hide All 
Banning Panel 
Check Antagonists 
Display Job bans 
Jump to Key 
Player Panel 
Stealth Mode 

Admin PM- Select the person to send an admin message. Shortcut is F7 
Adminverbs - Hide Most- Hides most of the rarely used admin verbs. 
Call Shuttle - Self explanatory. 

Create Antagonist - Selects an antagonist to be created. Please be mindful with spawning 
antagonists, especially the Death Squad and nuke op button. Also note that a malf AI spawned late 
into the round can do all malf things, but cannot blow the station up, or take over. 

Game Panel- Brings up the game panel. See below for more information. 

Invisimin- Makes your current character invisible. Only use for debug, admin purposes. Not to be 
confused with stealtmin. 

Jump to mob- Self explanitory. Shows a list of mobs that you can move your ghost to. 
Player Panel New- Brings up the player panel. See below for more information 
Unban Panel- Unused 

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Adminhelp- Same as a regular player. Sends a message to admins online. Not really used as asay 
command is used for most admin-admin communication. 

Adminwho- Prints list of all admins online 

Cancel Shuttle- Recalls the shuttle 

De-admin self- Removes you from the admin list, removing all admin power for the current round. 
This is reset after round ends or if anyone Reloads Admins 

Get Key - Teleports the mob controlled by said ckey to your location. 

Jump to Area- Jumps to specific area. 

Jump to Turf- Unused. 

Reload admins- Reloads the admin list to be as specified on admin.txt, deadmining anyone who 
might have been tempmined, as well as readmining those who deadmined. 

Show Server Attack Log- Fetches the server attack log for the current day. 

Unjobban panel- unused 

Adminnotice- Used to set or view the admin notices that only admins see upon logging in. 

Aghost- Used to ghost from your body without going catonic. Use it again to go back to your body. 
Shortcut F5 

Check AI Laws- Prints AI's and cyborg's laws. 

Delete- Unused. Right click and use delete on object instead. 

Get Mob- Teleports a mob to your location. 

Jump to coordinate- Teleports you to specified ingame coordinate. 
Manage Job Slots- Allows you to add 10 clown slots! 
Reset Telecom Script- Removes any scripts uploaded to the telecomms. 
Show Server Log- Fetches the server log for the current day. 
Adminverb-Hide All- Self explanatory 

Banning Panel- Shows the Custom Ban Panel. More info further down. 

Check Antagonist- Shows the current ingame Antagonist as well as some other functions. More 
info further down. 

Display Job Bans- Not used. 

Investigate- Shows a panel that contains the various logs useful for investigating some specific 
things. See below for more info. 

Jump to Key- Moves you to specified ckey. 

Page 7 


Player Panel- Old player panel. Unused. 

Secrets- Shows various information, as well as some useful buttons. See below for more info. 

Stealth Mode- Retaining all original functions of an admin you are removed from the admin list 
seen by players, and when you speak in 00C, you are seen as a player with whatever name you set. 

Debug Tab 

Advanced ProcCall Debug Controller Debug Mob Lists Debug verbs Debug-Game 

Del-All Kill Air Make Powernets Restart Controller SDQL2 query 

Spawn Stop Sounds View Variables 

Most of these are really only used in case something is fucked/crashing. You really shouldn't be 
using these under normal circumstances besides View Variables. 

Advanced ProcCall- Don't use unless you know what you are doing. 

Del-All- Deletes all specified objects in the tree. Please use VERY carefully as not writing down the 
full path could probably screw things up bad. 

Debug Controller - Use this to variable edit various controllers. Once again, be careful as fuck with 
this, and test it on a local server. 

Kill Air- Stops air processing. Sometimes helpful in stopping lag after massive atmos -calculation 
inducing damage. Pressing it again will revive Air processing. 

Stop Sounds- Stops all sounds currently playing including admin played. 

Debug Mob List- Unused as far as I know. 

Make Powernets- Unused 

View Variable- Shows the variables of specified object. See below for details on var-editing and it's 

Debug verbs- Shows various verbs used for testing that should NEVER be used ingame. 

Restart Controller- Restarts a specific controller such as master and lighting. Only use if one of 
them is failing, or better yet cry for help from a coder. 

Debug-Game- Unused. 

SDQL2 query- SDQL commands that can easily crash the server if used wrongly. Please don't use 
unless you know what you are doing. 

Fun Tab/Server Tab/ Special Verbs Tab 

I feel like most of these are rather self-explanatory. I might add these later. 

Page 8 



From banning shittlers to running events panels will be your best friend! 

Do note that the banning panel, and in depth discussion of bans is included in the next section! 

Game Panel 

Fairly straightforward. Change Game Mode allows you to select the game mode that will be run 
prior to round start. This will be public to the players. If you wish for it to not be, use force secret 

mode, which will still attempt to change the game mode but this 
will not be seen by regular players. 

Create Object brings up an item selection screen. The biggest 
issue is that it lags like shit, but it allows you to spawn multiple 
items and has some other options that the Spawn verb doesn't. 

Create Turf creates a specific turf at the location overriding the 
turf there. For those unfamiliar a turf is a time of object such as 
walls and floors. Unsimulated means that the atmosphere is not 
simulated on the turf, and it will always either have breathable 
air or not. Simulated is the opposite. 

Create Mob creates a specific object at a location. 

It's worth bringing up that spawning a shitload of items with 
this is not a good idea, and it can lag the fuck out of the server. 


Game Panel 

Change Game Mode 
(Force Secret Mode) 

Create Object 
Quick Create Object 
Create Turf 
Create Mob 

Page 9 


Player Panel 

Player panel 

Hover over a line to see more information - Check antagonists - Kick every one/AFKers in 


Search: |antonkr| 

Isdat Afamas - Isdat Afamas - Antonkr (Ghost) 
Ghost Isdat Afamas 
Real name Isdat Afamas PP - N - VV - TT - PM - SM - JMP 
Played by Antonkr (72 J25.1S7.50) 

Allows you to look up specific players as well as information about them. The buttons are as 

PP- Shows the player's specific player panel, which I'll show below. 
N- Displays player's notes. 

VV- Displays the variables for the mob controlled by the player. 

TP-Shows the traitor panel 

PM-Shows dialogue for messaging the player 

SM-Shows dialogue for subtle messaging the player which can be used to help a person with 
something or to hint them with something not warranting a loud attention grabbing adminhelp. 

JMP- Jumps to the player. If you are in a mob at the time, it automatically aghosts you prior. 

continued below is the result of clicking PP on a specific player. 

Page 10 


Options panel for Isdat Afamas played by Antonkr fGameAdminl [Heal] 

f W - TP - PM - SM - JMP1 

Mob type = mob living carbon human 

Kick | Ban | Jobban | Identity Ban | Notes | Prison | 

Mute: [IC | OOC | PRAY | ADMTNHELP | DEADCHATKtoggle all) 

Jump to | Get | Send To 

Traitor panel | Narrate to | Subtle message 


Human | Moiikevize | Corgize | Make AI | Make Robot | Make Men | Make Slime 
Make Blob | Animalize | 

Rudimentary transformation: 

These transformations only create a new mob type and copy stuff over. They do not take into 
account MMIs and similar mob-specific things. The buttons in Transformations' are preferred, 
when possible. 

Observer | [ Alien: Drone , Hunter , Queen , Sentinel , Larva ] Human [ slime: Baby, 
Adult ] Monkey | Cyborg | Cat | Runtime | Corgi | Ian | Crab | Coffee | [ Construct: 
Armored , Builder , Wraith ] Shade 

Other actions: 

Forcesay | Thunderdome 1 | Thunderdome 2 | Thunder dome Admin | Thunderdome 

All the way up top we have the rank displayed as well as the option to heal the mob. Healing should 
only be used for events/debug and such as it revives and puts the mob to full health. 

VV - TP - PM - JMP works the same as described above. 

Mute works well, but prepared to have the person bitch about it. 

Kick | Ban | Jobban | Identity Ban | Notes | Prison: 

Work as described. Identity ban at the time doesn't work. Prison transfers the person to an admin 
prison on the Centcom prison which consists of unbreakable unsimulated walls. 

Transformations and rudimentary transformations are similar, but like said on the tin, 
Transformation when possible is preferred. Note some transformations aren't available until the 
mob is made to be human. 

Forcesay makes the person say whatever you want (pis dont abuse this though] 

Thunderdome and such buttons transport the person to the dome replacing their gear with that of 
thunderdome gear. 

Page 11 


Check Antagonist (Round Status] tab 
Round Status 

Current Game Mode: traitor 
Round Duration 1:11:28 
Emergency shuttle 

Call Shuttle 
Delay Round End 


Ivy Miller 

PM Show Objective 
Jack Steiner (logged out) (DEAD) PM Show Objective 
Johnny Keytar (logged out) 
Andrew Mitchell 
Fortune Ray 

Greg Pendleton 
Bryce Pax 

PM Show Objective 
PM Show Objective 
PM Show Objective 
PM Show Objective 
PM Show Objective 

Displays the Game Mode, Round Duration. It 
allows you to also call the shuttle, and modify 
the time for it to arrive, and leave and such. 
Delay Round End allows you to stop the server 
from restarting when the shuttle docks. THIS 
ACTUALLY ENDS. Ie, you cannot delay after the 
shuttle docked with Centcom. 

Banning Panel 

Add custom ban: (ONLY use this if you can't ban through any other 

Ban I 

typef 0 CUey = r 

Banning panel 

n> : r 


Computer id: 


Add ban 

Search: Ckey: F Admin ckey: |~~ | search | 

Please note that all jobban bans or unbans are in-effect the following round. 

Although we will be 
talking more about bans 
in the later section, it's 
important to know the 
banning panel and what 
it does. Most of the time 
you will be using it to 
figure out if someone 
banned someone, to edit 
or remove your bans, or 
to apply custom and 
specific bans. 

Page 12 


The first rule of adminbuse is: you don't talk 
about the adminbuse. 

General Secrets 

Show Job Debug 
Admin Log 
Show Adrtim List 

Admin Secrets 

Cure all diseases currently in existence 
Bombing List 

Show current traitors and objectives 

Show last 0 signalers 

Show last 0 law changes 

Show AI Laws 

Show Game Mode 

Show Crew Manifest 

List DNA (Blood) 

List Fingerprints 


Move Ferry 

Move Mining Shuttle 

Move Labor Shuttle 

Fun Secrets 

Reset Thunderdome to default state 
Trigger a Virus Outbreak 
Turn all humans into monkeys 
Change the species of all humans 
Make all areas powered 
Make all areas unpowered 
Power all SMES 

Triple AI mode (needs to be used in the lobby) 

Everyone is the traitor 

Summon Guns 

Summon Magic 

Summon Events (Toggle) 

There can only be one! 

Make all plavers retarded 

Egalitarian Station Mode 

Break all lights 

Fix all lights 

The floor is lava! (DANGEROUS: extremely lame) 
Toggle bomb cap 
Security Level Elevated 

Change all maintenance doors to engiebrig access only 

Secrets Panel 

Secrets panel is mega useful as it contains a bunch of log 
information that is rather specific to the round. 

I'll talk more about the buttons themselves in their 
respective section, but you should be familiar with this 
panel. Most of the stuff here is pretty self-explanitory, but 
it's worth mentioning that as a trialmin you might not have 
access to all of the event-related "fun secrets" but only the 

Page 13 


Search Panel 

A m A i "\ A i— ' 

(use % to match any character as a wild card) 

Player ckey. Player cid: Player ip: 

Search type: 

<®Any OaII 





View Computer IDs (3) 







View IPs (8) 

View Connections (3790 connections grouped into 649 rows) 


















The ban database is a valuable tool that can help you check the player's ban history, previous 
connections, as well as the times they have connected. It's rather intuitive, and I don't think a guide 
is needed for it. It is important as mentioned earlier to not release any information to the public, 
especially concerning IPs. IE this picture wouldn't be suitable to release, as it contains a person's IP 



2014-11-17 22:09:03 

1440 Minutes 

Letting someone into trie HoP's office, and locking them down the second after, sparking a manhunt. 


2014-11-18 22:09:03 



2014-11-17 22:07:21 
5 Minutes 

IC'd in my OCC 




2014-11-17 21:27:34 
l Minute 





This is how the banning tab looks like. Note that you can click on just about every piece of 
information underlined here, including ckey, cid, IP, ckeys of admins, and even the round to obtain 
more information. 

Page 14 


3) IRC. 

Admins use IRC as a primary form of communication. Official information, as well as admins are 
often on here. As there is official and sometimes current round information, non-admins usually are 
not allowed, except for admin-candidates. 

The IRC used is #adminbus, as well as #banbus for appealing certain bans. 

We recommend getting a client of your choice for IRC, and to ensure that you register your 
nickname with the following command 

/msg NickServ REGISTER password email 

IRC is also your best bet in contacting Scaredofshadows, as well as the headmins. 

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III. Investigation and Banning 

Investigation and banning are one of the most important responsibilities of your job. I'll be talking 
about in what order things would usually come about. At first investigating might seem slow, but 
you'll usually catch on rather quickly. 


HELP: Takato26 /(J.R. Bob Dobbs) (?) (PP) (VV) (SM) ( JMP ) (CA) : Help Im being griefed by 
antonkr (?) 

Info about Antonkr: 

Mob type = /mob/new_player; Gender = male Damage = This mob type has no health to speak of. 

Name = Antonkr; Real_name = ; Mind_name = ; Key = Antonkr; 

Location = (at coordinates 8, 174, 2 in area the start area); 

Role: ; Antagonist: 

(EM) (PP) (W) (SM) ( JMP ) (CA) 

You are probably familiar with adminhelps as a player, but in this case you will be on the receiving 
end. They will look along the line of this. 

Clicking on the name will bring up a prompt to write out a response, and the rest of the buttons I've 
already described. 

A thing that isn't seen anywhere else though is the (?) button which will display the button section 
after the "Info about Antonkr" line. This works with names ckeys and such, but it's recommend that 
you do double check as sometimes multiple people can have the same name. 

Also, it'll show up in red letters if the person is an Antagonist 

Adminhelp courtesy 

Adminhelps are the most common way the playerbase communicates with the admins. It is 
important that you act courteous when responding, that you respond timely, and that you ensure 
that you seem like you want to do your job, and not as if you are annoyed by them asking. A 
response to the above adminhelp, which really isn't good in that it provides little information, 
without telling much about what happened, would still need to be courteous. 

Something like "Read the rules and adminhelp again." isn't good. 

Something like "What exactly happened?" isn't great but better. 

Something like "Can you please be a bit more specific? What lead up to this?" is likely the best 

You don't need to be stupidly friendly with the players as if you work at a supermarket, but do be 
professional, and polite. 

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Sending an Admin PM 

I talked about the buttons, and the player panel, so you should know how to do it, however few 
things to note. Once again courtesy is important even if you believe the person is at fault. The last 
thing you want to do is have a conversation along the lines of 

Adminhelp : 

Greytider: "Please help a security officer just beat me with a baton 


crit. " 

Admin ->Sec 

officer "What the fuck are you doing? Why did you just beat the shit 


of him" 

sec officer- 

> "... he just tried stealing my baton, and the captain ordered his 

execution . " 

In the example above, the security officer was assumed guilty before his innocent. These types of 
adminhelps put people off playing security, instead something like. 

admin->sec officer "Hey, I was wondering what happened with that assistant? How come 
you beat the shit out of him with your baton?" Thanks 

This is a much better way of handling it, as you are firstly assuming his innocence, until he gets a 
chance to explain himself. It's simple stuff. Also try to avoid stuff like 

admin->sec officer "Why did you beat up the assistant?" 

It isn't all that bad, but it still comes off rather careless, and isn't the most pleasant thing someone 
would read from an admin. If you remember being a player, you will recall how terrifying the sound 
of adminhelp bloop is. Don't make the text intimidating at least. 

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This is the most important part of your job, so listen up! Investigations means looking through the 
logs, and variables to determine what exactly has happened. Since not everyone can be everywhere 
at the same time, logs are your definitive absolute proof of if x has happened or not. Do note that 
investigations can sometimes not be conclusive, and you might have to let a case go due to lack of 
evidence. Shit does happen, but knowing all the tools you can use will help it not happen. 

attack Logs 

Most commonly referred to thing in an incident. They give you a brief overview of what shiftier did 
what first. They are stored in two ways. Firstly, remember how we talked about the .getserverlog 
command? They are stored there, but also included in the variables. These can be accessed by 
clicking W next to the ahelp, or right clicking the person and pressing the view variable button. 
This'll get you the report for that person in particular, and will be far simpler then if you had to dig 
through the logs. Do note that var-editing will be covered later in the guide. 

SI Isdat Afamas ([mob_241]) = /mob/living/carbon/human 

Isdat Afamas 

antonkr/ Isdat Afamas 
BRUTE:120 FIRE:0 TOXIN:0 OXY: 2. 63333 CLONE:0 BRAIN: 0 
/ mob/living/carbon/human 

E * Edit, tries to determine the variable type by itself. 
C - Change, asks you for the var type first. 

H - Mass modify: changes this variable for all objects of this type. 


C£) (C) 


(E) (C) 

(E) (C) 

(M) age = 21 
(M) ajourn = 0 
) alpha = ;:: 
(M) anchored = 0 
(M) animate_movement = 2 
(M) attackjog = /list (36) 

57:03] Has disarmed Eats-the-Monkeyfsaegnmr) = null 
57:04] Has disarmed Eats-the-Monkey(saegnmr) = null 
57:06] Has disarmed Eats-the-Monkey(saegrimr) = null 
57:06] Has been disarmed by Eats-the-Monkey(saegnmr) - nuu 
57:07] Has disarmed Eats-the-Monkey(saegrimr) = null 
57:08] Has disarmed Eats-the-Monkey(saegrimr) = null 
57:10] Has disarmed Eats-the-Monkey(saegrimr) = null 
57:11] Has disarmed Eats-the-Monkey(saegnmr) = null 
57:12] Has disarmed Eats-the-Monkey(saegnmr) = null 
57:13] Has disarmed Eats-the-Monkey(saegrimr) = null 
57:14] Has disarmed Eats-the-Monkey(saegrimr) = null 
57:15] Has disarmed Eats-the-Monkey(saegrimr) = null 
57: 16] Has disarmed Eats-the-Monkey(saegnmr) = null 

57:20] Has been attacked by Eats-the-Monkey(saegnmr) with screw dnver(INTENT: DISARM) (DAMTYPE: BRUTE) - null 

57:21] Has been attacked by Eats-the-Monkey(saegnmr) with screw dnver( INTENT: DISARM) (DAMTYPE; BRUTE ) - null 

57:21] Has disarmed Eats-the-Monkey(saegrimr) - null 

57:22] Has been disarmed by Eats-the-Monkey(saegrimr) - null 

57:22] Has disarmed Eats-the-Monkey(saegrimr) = null 

This is the example of the attack log. It'll be one of the first things on the list when you open the 
variables. It contains a bunch of useful information as well as the time (server time, not station 
time) as to when this all happened. We also have up top the information about the type of damage 
they received. 120 brute damage, as well as small oxy damage indicating that they've likely been in 

D [18:59:07] Has CPRed Richard Aultman(tedwardl337) = 

D [18:59:59] Has shot Richard Aultman(@'tedwardl337) 

with The electrode = null 
3 [19:01:16] Has electrified glass airlock at 122,77,2 = 

As we can see here, attack logs also 
display other relevant information, 
including shooting, electrifying and 
giving CPR. 

Page 18 



Regular logs will only be stored on the database, accessible by .getserverlogs command unless you 
were observing and can scroll up to see whatever other logs may exist. These logs have all the 
communication, as well as the different times that this all happened. It has other useful commands 
including admin logs, end round antagonists and such. It's split up by days as well as for each round, 
Note that the round time is stored in EST timezone. 

Investigate Panel 









OK Cancel 

Has a lot of miscellaneous records for 
Hrefs- Shouldn't worry about those! 

Notes- Shows all the players notes. Only those that have notes will actually show up here. Notes are 
talked more about in a few pages. 

NTSL-Displays all the NTSL scripts uploaded to communications. 

Singulo- Shows all events relating to creating the singularity and all other things. 

Wires- Snipping wires around maint will no more go unpunished! 

Telesci- Shows all usage of telescience teleportation. 

Gravity- Gravity generator, and it being turned on/off. 

Records- Displays all modifications made through security and medical records, like setting 
someone to arrest, deleting someone from the security records and all the good stuff. 

Cargo- All the things ordered by cargo. 

Page 19 



The autolathe 

<< south >> 
/obj/ machinery / autolathe 

| Select option [v] 

E - Edit, tries to determine the variable type by itself. 
C - Change, asks you for the var type first. 

M - Mass modify: changes this variable for all objects of this type. 

Search: [fingeT 

(E) (C) (M) fingerprints = /list (2) 

o 66cca45ccb5bae6e63e37bbdf2615add = 

"66cca45ccb5bae€e€3e37bbdf 2€15add" 
o 973f83d50b5cdc53e6b7cd031b31a2ba = 


(E) (C) (M) fingerprintshidden = /list (9) 

c [19: 16:35](Wearing gloves). Real name: 

Powermaurer = nun 
o [19:20:35]Real name: Ava Breezes, Key: 

Breezes = null 
o [19:20:55](Wearing gloves). Real name: 

Key: AhammerlS = null 
o [19:22:07]Real name: Ava Breezes, Key: 

Breezes = null 
o [19:23:25](Wearing gloves). Real name: 

Powermaurer = null 
o [19:23:47](Wearing gloves). Real name: 

Key: ChiefWTBT = null 
c [19:26:09]Real name: Ava Breezes, Key: 

Breezes = null 
o [19:26:20]Real name: Dick Johnson, Key: 

DickFreedomJohnson = null 
c [19:30:39](Wearing gloves). Real name: 

Powermaurer = null 
(£) (C) (M) fingerprintslast 

Dean Hall, Key: 
Iona Hagane, 
Dean Hall, Key: 
Bobert Handler, 

Dean Hall, Key: 

Works very similarly to how a 
detective's scanner would, but far more 
robust. Although it isn't always entirely 
reliable, it will show who touched the 
object at what time. This can be useful in 
variety of situations, ie someone 
opening the pod door during transit or 
the like. As you can see even if the 
person wore gloves it's still recorded 
and logged. Also super useful for 
figuring out who touched pipes releasing 
plasma from atmos. 

Keep in mind this does not get stored in 
the regular logs, so ensure you can finish 
an investigation into who did what in 
terms of canisters prior to round end. 



Canister Logs 

Also in the variables, Canister logs provide who has 
done what with releasing a particular gas from the 
canister into the air. Particularly plasma. 

Keep in mind this does not get stored in the regular 
logs, so ensure you can finish an investigation into 
who did what in terms of canisters prior to round 

B The canister [Toxin 
i (Bio)] 

<< east >> 
/obj/ machinery/ porta ble_atmospherics 
/canister/ toxins 

| Select option [v] 

E - Edit, tries to determine the variable type by itself. 
C - Change, asks you for the var type first. 

M - Mass modify: changes this variable for all objects of this type. 

Search: flog" 

Page 20 

(E) (C) (M) releasejog = "Valve wa; 

(antonkr) , starting the transfer 
Valve was closed by Isdat Afama3 
transfer into the air 
Valve was opened by Iadat Afamas 
transfer into the air 
Valve was closed by Isdat Afamas 
transfer into the air 
Valve was opened by Isdat Afamas 
transfer into the air 
Valve was closed by Isdat Afamas 
transfer into the air 

i opened by Isdat Afamas 
into the air 
1 antonkr), stopping the 

(antonkr) , starting the 

(antonkr) , stopping the 

{antonkr), starting the 

(antonkr), stopping the 



As shown above in the panels section, secrets has a lot of useful specific log information. 
I'll only go through the log related secrets, and not event-related. 

General Secrets 

Show Job Dttan 
Admin Lor 
Show Admin List 

Admin Secrets 

Most of these are rather self explanatory. 

Admin log is useful for figuring out if an admin did x or y, or if 
someone within the round adminhelped something. This is all 
stored in there. This is also found in the regular server logs. 

Cure all diseases cunenltv in aoateocc 

Show current traitors and objectives 

Show last 0 signalers 

Show last 0 law changes 

Show Al Laws 

Show Game Mode 

Show Ciew Manifest 

List DNA (Blood) 

List Fingerprints 


Notes will show you the bans the 
person received on a specific 
server, as well as notes that are 
added manually by admins. All 
warnings can be added here at 
your leisure. Pictured here is a 
very shitty example of a notes 
page. Holy christ what a shiftier. 

Notes for gadd : [+] 

29- M-2013 | Harmbaton'd as an asimov wizard cyborg, -giacomand JjJ 

30- Jul-2013 : Warned assisting traitors in a kill is not allowed. Next time a more severe ban to be added 
~hbk2006 LJ 

3 1 - Jul- 20 1 3 | don't pick this guy for events -elyina f-1 

03-Nov-2013 | Banned from Captain, Head of Personnel, Head of Security, Chief Engineer, Research 
Director, Chief Medical Officer - AFK at round start as HoP -ikairus [J 

09-Nov-2013 | Warned - Recieved complaints about him beating prisoners excessively as an officer. ~ikarrus 


12- Nov-2013 | Shot down the HoP after a massive confusion where one of the crewmembers (forcefullCJS) 
was sacrificing people into constructs to fight a wizard (he apparently stole a shard and a shell). Due to the 
confusion, decided not to give out a ban, but leading out a warning instead However, if he goes guncargo 
again, feel free to jobban him from that. ~laharlmontgommery £J 

13- Dec-2013 | If he intentionally inflicts harm under Asimov again, permaban him from siHcons. 
-hotelbravolima [J 

26-Jan-2014 | Banned for 360 minutes - Grey tide ~hornygranny [j 

16-Mar-2014 | Warned for creeping on Secretinthepants, 'just some jokes', agreed to cut it out voluntarily . 
See that he does, —hotelbravoKma F-1 

23-Mar-2014 | Banned for 6000 minutes - Used a lube grenade near the blob, killed a lot of people. Tried to 
infect himself in virology and spread it. Has a really bad record, should know better by now. -gjacomand f-1 
05-Apr-2014 Banned from operative - Handed the Nuclear Disk over to the Captain as a Nuke Op. He 
was "pissed off" at his "idiot" team, -skorvold f-1 
12-Apr-2014 j Kind of an asshole -ikarrus [J 

16-Apr-2014 j Banned for 1440 minutes - Greyuding - Attacking several crewmembers, nearly killing one. 
http; pastebin comhkuMbA9u -subtlegraces f-1 

31- May-2014 | Banned for 15 minutes - OOC in IC ~aranclanos [-1 

14- Jun-2014 | Banned for 0 minutes - Ban Evasion; Banned for two weeks on ziggypoo3000 account, ban 
evaded that entire time on the Gadd account. Appeal on the forums at: 

http:'phpBB index php -niknakflak [J 

20-Jul-2014 j On probation for another month. Permaban him if he messes up or breaks the rules. See this 
thread; http; www.tgstationl3.orgphpBB\iewtopic.php^ ^niknakflak f-1 

28-Nov-2014 | Had a IC escalation with the HoP, it ended with the HoP having a exile implanted into him. He 
apologized about what he did, and did not know what the exile implant did. They do know now however, and 
have been given a warning for this. ~tedwardl337 f-1 
28-Nov-2014 | Warned for sexual stuff, -leibniz [J 

Page 21 



Banning is the main tool of your job. Simply said it keeps people that we do not away, helps people 
understand consequences of their fuck-ups, or teach people a lesson. Bans are almost always done 
after an investigation, but a few things to consider. 

• Ensure that the person understands that they will be banned. Tell them from what positions 
and for how long, prior to the ban. 

• Take into account the person's intent, as well as consequent action into account. Did they 
bring the person they killed to medbay or spaced them? Were they aggressive in ahelps or 

• Prior history? A person with no notes might get away with something small, but a person 
with a page full of notes? Probably not. 

• Effect of the damage. Did the bomb the guy set off only blow himself and a random part of 
maint up or did it kill 10 people in crowded escape? 

• If the person admitted or is proven of metacommunications (talking to someone in game 
using non-ingame communications] or ban evasion, permaban them. 

• If the person is refusing to answer your adminhelps, being outright griefy and/or being 
creepy, permaban them. 

• It's of course essential to be familiar with the rules. SO READ THEM. 


Before we start there are a few terms we need to know 

Ckey - This is your byond login/account. When a ban is applied, any attempts to connect with the 
account specified will result in being stopped. Due to the fact that a person may hold multiple 
accounts, this is not the only thing recorded in the ban database. 

IP- Pretty self explanatory if you know anything about the internet. The IP identifies from where the 
person has connected, and it is the same for each router used. Often times you may see a note that 
states that two or more people are connected from the same IP address. This can either mean they 
are in the same room, but may also be the case if the router is shared in a university or something of 
the sort. When a person attempts to connect, regardless to what account from an IP that is banned, 
they will not be able to get access to the server. 

Computer ID - Computer ID, which was coded into byond, creates a unique ID for each person that 
has byond on their computer. Meaning that whenever byond is installed on a different computer, 
the computer ID will be different. 

Although people can evade bans with rather simple knowledge, these things combined should keep 
the unwanted off the server for the most part. 

Do note that jobbans are only stored on the ckey, but not the IP and computer ID. 
Notes will be auto-generated for the ban issued. 

Page 22 


Actually Banning people! 

There are 3 different ways to issue bans (four technically, but you don't need to worry about the 

Options panel for Isdat Afamas played by Antoukr fGjineAdmiii l [Heal] 


Mob type = mob IKing carbon, liuman 

Kick .\-ibhan. Identity Ban Notes Prison ! 

Mate: QC | OOC | PRAY | ADMIXHELP j DEADCHATKtoggle rip 

Jump to | Get | Send To 

Traitor panel | Narrate to | Subtle message 


Human | Monkeyize | Corgize | Make AI | Make Robot | Make Alien | Make Slime 
Make Blob | A"^^ | 

Rudimentary transformation: 

These transformations only create a new mob type and copy stuff over. They do not take mto 
account MMIs and similar mob-specific things. The buttons in Transformations* are preferred 
when possible. 

Observ er | [ Alien: Drone . Hunter. Queen , Sentinel . Larva ] Hirman [ slime: Baby . 
Adult ] Monkey | Cyborg | Cat j Runtime | Corgi | Ian | Crab | Coffee | [ Construct 
Armored , Builder , Wraith ] Shade 

Other actions: 

Force say | Thunderdome 1 [ Thunder dome 2 | Thunderdome Admin | Thunder dome 
Observer | 

If the person is online 

If so, player panel is the easiest way. Simply clicking on 
ban/jobban will give you all the needed prompts and it's rather 
self explanatory. All bans are stored in minutes, so multiply 
1440 by the amount of days you want the person to be gone, 
and you are good to go. Things aren't always so simple though. 

Do note that if they ghosted, you need to ensure to bring up the 
player panel for the ghosts, not their dead catonic body. 

After issuing the ban, it will be added to the database, 

If the person isn 't online 

You have two methods. First, called the "monkey method" is preferrable. 

Firstly you will need to find the person's IP and computer ID. This can be done rather easily either 
from logs, in which you can find when the person logged on, as well as their IP/Computer id with a 
line looking like. 

[00 : 46 : 00] ACCESS : Login: Furienify/ (Furienify) from || BYOND 

Furienify in this case is the byond key, the is the IP, and 4138466372 is the computer 
id. This can also be found in the connections database, assuming you know the ckey. 

1. Spawn a monkey on the thunderdome. 

2. Enter var-edit for the monkey, and put in the person's ckey in the ckey slot. 

3. Enter the person's IP in the variable lastknownlP. To modify the variable click (E) to the left 
of it. Select text, input the IP and click Okay. 

4. Enter the person's computer ID, in the computer_id variable. Modifying the variable works 
in the same way. 

5. Follow the steps of the above method, with player panel of the monkey, and whatever ban 
you wish to apply. 

Alternative Method 

If for whatever reason you need to, you can also manually input all the information into the Banning 
Panel, and go from there. This is typically not as preferable as the other two methods. 

Page 23 



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feedback goes here! fbNZmHvpDPylf- 

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